Background to this speech -
The year is 2001, and the world was just hit with the news
headlines “Enron Corporation, American’s energy giant sued for Accounting
fraud. Top Accounting Firm Arthur Andersen implicated.” We all know this bit of
the history and also know the outcome, so I will be using the company names as
it is in my speech. This is a hypothetical scenario based on historical facts.
The scene is an emergency communication session arranged at the Arthur Andersen
office in Singapore, located somewhere in Shenton Way. The person addressing
the employees is the CEO of the company.
Good morning. Thank you for attending our communication session
today at such short notice. I believe by now you have read the newspaper this morning
and especially on the headline article that we, Arthur Andersen has been
implicated by our largest client, Enron Corporation in US due to accounting
fraud. I am sure this comes as a shock to many of us. We certainly did not see it coming.
The purpose of this communication session is to help clarify the
situation and most importantly, alleviate any concerns you may have. First,
allow me to state the facts and as professionals, I will not mince my words. I
will table the facts in front of you, and you judge for yourself what the
situation is really like.
Yes, it is true that our largest client, Enron Corporation has been sued by the
US Government on the grounds of falsifying their accounts. They have found many
of Enron's recorded assets and profits to be inflated or even wholly fraudulent
and nonexistent. They claimed that Enron
has put their debts and losses into entities formed "offshore" that
were not included in the company's financial statement, and they used other sophisticated financial transactions to
eliminate unprofitable entities from the company's books. And yes, it is true that as the company’s appointed auditor, our
accounting performance and standards also came under intense scrutiny. We are
being suspected of helping Enron perform unethical accounting practices. I understand the shock many of you had when
you saw the article this morning. I know you cannot believe what you read, and
I fully felt as hurt and as wronged as each and every one of you. So
please allow me to assure you, to my best knowledge as the head of the
management of our Singapore office, we are simply assisting in the
investigation of Enron, but, we are not sued in any way.
My management team knew about this newspaper release just
yesterday, and we have had numerous calls with our US headquarters to seek
clarification on the situation. I am pleased to inform you, as of now, our US
headquarters is confident that this is a misled investigation, so we would like
to assure you – if we are ever called a fraud, it won’t be today. This is not
the day for Arthur Andersen to have his reputation tarnished, for 2 very simple
No 1. Enron Corporation Enron Corporation is an American energy,
commodities, and Services Company based in Houston, Texas. Enron currently employed approximately 20,000
staff and is one of the world's major electricity, natural gas,
communications, and pulp and paper companies, with claimed revenues of nearly $101 billion last
year. Fortune magazine named Enron "America's Most Innovative Company"
for six consecutive years since 1996. It
is on the Fortune's "100 Best Companies to Work for in America" list
last year as well. The whole world knows that Enron is hailed by many,
including labor and the workforce, as an overall great company, praised for its
large long-term pensions, benefits for its workers and extremely effective management. How could such a
well-established, award-winning, high profit generating company be found to be
a fraud overnight? Trust me, such things only happens in movies, not in the
real world.
No 2. We, Arthur Andersen, have always been known to be the
market leader in stringent, superior, successful accounting practice. Remember
our Founder, Arthur Andersen himself?
When he was alive, he was a zealous supporter of high standards in the accounting industry. A stickler for honesty, he argued that accountants'
responsibility was to investors, not their clients' management. He cannot be
bought. Remember his reputation in the 1920s, Andersen was approached by an
executive from a Chicago rail utility to sign off on accounts containing flawed
accounting, or else face the loss of a major client. What did Andersen do? He
refused in no uncertain terms, replying that there was "not enough money
in the city of Chicago" to make him do it. That’s how honest he was. And
that’s how honest we remain! Remember our company’s motto? "Think
straight, talk straight." Such an ethical company, should we, can we, will
we ever be called a fraud? Or even accused of supporting fraudulent practices? Never!
My fellow colleagues, I cannot say enough how much I understand
the worries you have. Will Arthur Andersen have to give up our practicing
license as auditor and never be allowed to practice again? Will all our clients
run away by such damaging rumours? And most importantly, will we lose our job?
I have to admit this is certainly a great blow to us, but we are Arthur
Andersen, we do not fall that easily! So chin up everyone and brace the storm.
Today is not the day for us to go down in history. Today is not the day for our
clients to lose faith in us. Today is certainly not the day we abandon our
employees. We remain committed to our shareholders, our clients and most
importantly our employees.
We urge you to bear with us. We can ride this storm so long as we
have your support. So who is with us?
Thank you, TMD.
This is an advanced project in the Speech by Management manual - Delivery Bad News. It was very difficult to develop a speech with the right content of "bad news" and yet make it inspiring. The inspiration of this speech comes from the movie Lord of the Rings, where Aragorn calls his army to fight the hopeless war against the enemy at the Black Gate:
“Hold your ground, hold your ground! Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my
brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of
me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our
friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An
hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing
down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold
dear on this good Earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!”
JRR Tolkien
Of course, this speech is nowhere near the splendor of the original speech by Aragorn, neither can it be compared to the emotional uplift that it created.
This is fictitious event; there was no such emergency communication done and none of any part of this speech was ever lifted from any known person. I would, on hind side, loved that such a communication session was indeed conducted. It may have changed the course of life for many then employees of Arthur Andersen, mine included.